SAP User Types

 There are 5 different user types available in SAP system.

  1. Communication
  1. Dialog
  1. Reference
  1. Service
  1. System

1. Communication Users -

Users are not allowed/possible to logon using SAP GUI and can't able to access the data through SAP GUI screen. Users are allowed to change the password if expired using external link.
SAP system always check for the password expiry, initial password and prompts when it requires to change depends on the logon method (interactive or non-interactive).
These users main purpose is to use for external RFC calls. These users can access the SAP system data through frontend or external applications.

2. Dialog Users -

Users are allowed to logon using SAP GUI and can able to access the data through SAP GUI screens. System validates the password expiration, initial password and multi-logons.
The user can change the password by their own using SAP GUI. These users are individual users and individual personalized system access allowed.

3. Reference Users -

Users are not allowed/possible to logon using SAP GUI and can't able to access the data through SAP GUI screens. System doesn't check for initial password and password expiration.
Users for general, non-person related which allows assignment of additional authorization to the users like internet users. These users used to give authorization to other users.

4. Service Users -

Users are allowed to logon using SAP GUI and can able to access the data through SAP GUI screens. System doesn't check for initial password and password expiration.
Multiple logins are allowed for this kind of users. Users are not allowed to change the password and only administrator can change the password. These uses have very restricted/minimum authorizations.
There types users are created for anonymous users. After an individual authentication, an anonymous session begin with service user can be continued as person-related session with a dialog user.

5. System Users -

Users are not allowed/possible to logon using SAP GUI and can't able to access the data through SAP GUI screens. System doesn't check for initial password and expiration of password.
Users are related System-related and internal system process. The password change requirement does not apply to these user's password and it cannot be initial or expired.
Only user administrator can change the password and multiple logons are permissible. These users are for background process, external and internal RFC calls.
