How to Extend Material Master Views by Using MM50

Dear SAP Practitioners,

This blog would guide you how to extend material master to ‘Material Master Sales View’ by using transaction code MM50.

Prerequisites: If any view is not displaying when you go inside the transaction MM50 you need to make it to display by selecting the view in OMS2.

Example: for HALB material ‘Sales View’ wouldn’t be displaying to extend neither in MM01 nor in MM50, since generally people would’ve not selected the view in OMS2 for HALB material type. So we need to go to OMS2 –>double click on the respective material type (HALB) –> and select the view which you want to display.

Note: Material code should have already maintained for all of the basic settings and views, (Basic Data 1, Basic Data 2 and Label Data) which is required for a material.

  1. Take the list of materials and use that to limit the data.
  2. Choose the views that you want to extend, i.e., “V” is for sales.
  3. Execute the transaction
Step 1: Select maintenance status (v)–> enter material numbers–> execute
Step 2: Click on select all button to select–> and click ‘Maintain Materials’ push button to proceed further.

Step 3: Once you execute the below screen would get displayed, click on enter button–> since in Sales: Sales Org. 1 view – tax code is mandatory it would take you to a view, where you can maintain tax codes.


Step 4: Fill in the tax classification as shown below and click on enter button to proceed further


Step 5: Once you click on enter button it would take you to Sales: Sales Org. 2 view, here ‘Item category group’ is mandatory, so enter the same to proceed further.


Step 6: In Sales: General/Plant view nothing is mandatory, so you just have to click on enter button to proceed further.


Step 7: Next it would take you to Foreign trade export, even here also nothing is mandatory, so you just have to click on enter button to proceed further.


Step 8: The enter button would take you to Sales text view; here you can enter the text and click on save button to save the material.  


Step 9: Click on save button to save the material

 How to Extend Material Master Views by Using MM50 | SAP Blogs
